@fabrizzio.design February 11, 2021


Univox Community is a world-class recognized platform that has over 3 million members where ideas can be exchanged on the products that one uses. Thus, the completion of surveys is rewarded with cash and exciting offers followed by 200 signup bonus points.
Client’s Requirement
Univox Community is a US-based survey panel that welcomes consumers to share their opinions and participate in topics like automobiles, shopping habits, tech, current events, and much more. With a worldwide expansion in almost 40+ companies, Univox Community is emerging as one of the most trusted organizations.
However, after recognizing the sustainable shift from the traditional to the modern technological era, Univox Community wanted to ensure the best performance even when the user switches over different operating systems. Facilitating a platform to exchange opinions and ideas, our client wanted to deliver the best results.
Therefore, our client decided to abridge the gap by seeking out a portable solution that could help the growth of this community.
Proposed Solution by Us:
After comprehending our client’s requirements, we instantly got to work as we have hands-on experience in developing a fully-functional mobile application. Thus, with careful consideration, our development team suggested the client develop a mobile app version that could offer a seamless interface so that people can participate without difficulty.
As per resource planning, we allocated a UI/UX designer to strategize a layout, an experienced Front-end developer team that worked on HTML / CSS development, and a backend developer who worked on databases and servers. In the end, we were able to inbuilt features like a friendly interface, a quick survey schedule, an introduction of a dynamic survey, and an active rewarding scheme.
Technology Stacks:
Database: MongoDB
Framework: Laravel
Platform: Node JS
Library: React
React native



Database: MongoDB
Framework: Laravel
Platform: Node JS
Library: React


While integrating the process automation system, our custom-developed mobile application runs seamlessly on Android and iOS operating systems. Thus, we incorporated a smooth interface by eliminating hosts so that users can directly engage and win rewards. Ultimately, it took us 6 weeks to build and deliver a responsive mobile application that presently has 1 Lac+ download. As a result, increased usage of the mobile app has generated higher revenue.